Alaska Youth Soccer Association (AYSA) has a zero tolerance policy for abuse. AYSA encourages a culture of communication regarding matters that place athletes at risk. AYSA also supports a culture of communication related to abuse or suspected abuse of athletes. If you see or suspect inappropriate interaction with or between athletes, or an athlete and a volunteer, it is your responsibility to report the interaction to a club official/representative AND Alaska Youth Soccer.
A report must be made within a 24-hour period of awareness of the inappropriate behavior. Federal Regulations state that reports should be made to:
- Local law enforcement
- Local/state child protective services
- US Soccer
- The US Center for SafeSport.
EVERYONE IS A MANDATORY REPORTER. Reporting organizations’ contact information and phone numbers can be found below and on the AYSA SafeSport Factsheet.
Reporting Agencies
All 4 steps must be taken.
- Local Law Enforcement: Contact an agency near you. This likely includes the Alaska State Troopers⧉ and Alaska Child Protective Services: (800) 478-4444
- Alaska Youth Soccer Representative: Immediately, at (907) 887-6650 or alaskayouthsoccer@gmail.com.
- National Governing Body (US Soccer): Use the US Soccer Integrity Hotline at (312) 528-7004 or https://www.ussoccer.com/report-a-concern⧉
- US Center for SafeSport: https://uscenterforsafesport.org/report-a-concern⧉
See the SafeSport Helpline⧉ for more.
The AYSA Code of Conduct contains policies to protect those who make a report of a violation of the code. Retaliation against individuals making good faith reports of misconduct is expressly prohibited. AYSA takes any and all reports of inappropriate misconduct, behavior, bullying, or suspicions of abuse seriously.
The Code of Conduct also provides evidence of AYSA’s commitment to the lawful and ethical conduct of its members/participants and to protect those who report violations consistent with the Whistleblower Policy; AYSA090109. The policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state or federal laws governing behavior.
Federal Law: The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017⧉ was signed and immediately put into effect on February 14, 2018. An individual who fails to report suspected child sexual abuse is subject to criminal penalties including fines and/or up to one (1) year in jail.
AYSA Policy requires each adult to submit an AYSA annual background check, review the AYSA Code of Conduct, and complete the SafeSport training. If an affiliate member is found to be not in compliance with the Adult Verification Policy, they will be referred to the AYSA Compliance and Disciplinary Committee. The Committee can place the member on a probationary period to correct the non-compliance issue. Continued non-compliance with AYSA Policies may result in the member’s suspension or removal as a member. Any person accused of committing a prohibited act or any act considered to be harmful to a child will be immediately suspended from all Alaska Youth Soccer Association AYSA activities.
Any person in violation of US Soccer, US Youth Soccer and/or AYSA policies will be subject to the current AYSA Procedures for Disciplinary Actions and Appeals & Grievances and Complaints and Appeals. Suspension will continue during any investigation by law enforcement or child protective agencies.