- Transfer and Release Form – Alaska Player Transferring from one Affiliate Club to another Affiliate Club. (Soccer Year Starts 9/1; Transfers REQUIRED after 9/1, once player has committed to Club).
- Payment required. Pay here
- Players’ Financial Obligation | Guidelines for Player Transfer
- Alaska Open Tryout Window: The adjusted forty-four-day open tryout window applies for all competitive registered players. Players transferring within the AYSA forty-four-day open tryout period will need to ensure all current financial obligations have been met with their registered Club.
- The player MUST submit the above form with signatures and submit to the AYSA office for approval. There will be no fee or wait period required if the submitted form is received prior to the conclusion of the thirty-day open tryout window.
- *Reminder: once the player verbally or in writing commits to a club at any time during the seasonal year a transfer will be required even if no games/practices have occurred. The transfer fee will accompany the form submission.
- Supplemental Tryouts: A player wishing to attend a tryout with another club first must be released by their current club. Transfer guidelines are to be followed to stay in an accordance to the US Youth Soccer Rule 201, Section 3 and the AYSA Anti-Enticement-Recruitment Policy. If a player is not officially released by AYSA, they must present the above form signed by the parent and releasing club. Transfer guidelines apply.
- State Cup Temporary Release and Transfer – Alaska player temporarily transferring from a club team not participating in State Cup.
- Payment required. Pay here.
- State Cup Transfer Policy
- President’s Cup Temporary Release and Transfer – Alaska player temporarily transferring from a club team not participating in the Region IV President’s Cup Championships to a club that is.
- Payment required. Pay here.
- Single Event Guest Player Form – Alaska In-State Only. No form required for intra-club passes. Not valid for State Cup.
- Permission to Play in Adult League – Player/team must have permission to play in an adult league in order to maintain their youth eligibility status. Players must be at least 14 years of age.
- Annual Non-Member Membership – For AK players not currently registered with an AYSA Affiliate Club to participate in AYSA and USYS program/event.
- Payment required. Pay here.
- Insurance Claim – Must be submitted within two weeks of incident/accident. Medical bills will be submitted directly to insurance company.
- AYSA Scholarship Fund Application
Head Injury Forms
If you are at an Alaska Youth Soccer event or in an AYSA-sanctioned program that has its own head injury notification form, use the applicable form. If not, use the general notification form at the bottom of this section. All head injury notification forms must be turned in to the AYSA Office within 2 days of the incident.
- State Cup Head Injury Notification Form (with guidelines)
- Futsal Head Injury Notification
- ADP Head Injury Notification
- General Head Injury Notification
Clearance to Return
Upon being cleared to return to play by a licensed Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), the Concussion Return to Play Form below should be submitted, along with a written release signed by the clearing MD or DO, which can be submitted via email to alaskayouthsoccer@gmail.com.